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south swell | Session Rocking

Magic Number Seven at the Wedge – July 7th 2014

July 7th, 2014. “8-14 ft” read the Surfline Report. Fourteen foot on Seven Seven Fourteen at the Wedge. Magic numbers for the numerologically inclined. Even more magic for the hungry surf inclined hessians who poured headfirst into the warm blue liquid to eat their tasty Wedge-tables. Mangia bene, hessians. Check…

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A South Swell @ Salt Creek on July 6th, 2014

Storytime. Some friends of friends came by our summer driveway ‘smore roast the other night; we sat around, talked story, had a beer, my son broke their friend’s son’s nose by accident in a mock kung-fu-battle-with-bike-helmets – you know – regular family stuff. They are kind people (the friends of…

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